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Results and Experiences from the Execution of the GeoFlow Experiments on the ISS


Ezquerro Navarro, J.M., Fernández, J.J., Rodríguez, J., Laverón-Simavilla, A., Lapuerta, V.

Journal Paper

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Publication date

January 2015

This paper introduces the GeoFlow missions that were performed under microgravity conditions on board the Columbus Laboratory in the International Space Station (ISS) from the scientific operations standpoint. A brief introduction to the three GeoFlow experiments: GeoFlow, GeoFlow-2 and GeoFlow-2b is given, being their main purpose to capture some essential features of the Earth mantle convection. The major scientific requirements of each of the experiments are presented as an introduction for the scientific operations preparation and concept development description. Then, the activities performed in order to execute each of the experiments are presented in detail, focusing on the resolution of the several issues encountered during the mission. The outcomes and lessons learned from such long and complex missions close this paper.