Job opportunities in research activities
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Schoolarship Offer: Quantum Network Designer.
Workplace: Center for Computational Simulation (CCS), GIICC. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Campus de Montegancedo, Av. de Montepríncipe, 28223. Madrid, Madrid, España.Line of work: the candidate will work on the design…
Schoolarship Offer: Design of an aerodynamic resistance reduction system.
he/she will assist the Center with investigation tasks. These include the design of an aerodynamic resistance reduction system using tructural and aerodynamic calculation.
Schoolarship Offer: Administrative Assistant.
Workplace: Center for Computational Simulation (CCS), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Campus de Montegancedo , Avenida de Montepríncipe C.P. 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, España. Line of work: he/she will assist…