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Neutron applications laboratory for ESS-Bilbao


Martínez, F., Terrón, S., Magán, M., (...), Bermejo, F.J., Perlado, J.M.

Journal Paper

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The ESS-Bilbao proton accelerator and neutron producing target will become an international reference in compact neutron sources. This facility will require a proton Beam-Dump during accelerator testing and tuning. A copper Beam-Dump has been designed and will be prototyped in the next few months. Its design is based on existing concepts (mainly PSI and SPIRAL2), and it has been optimized to withstand ESS-Bilbao beam conditions while removing the heat deposition by means of water channels. This work presents the complete beam dump conceptual design, as well as an overview of the methodology and codes developed to tackle the design of components where particle transport simulations, thermal hydraulics and thermomechanical analysis are equally important.