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Multi-faceted modeling in the analysis and optimization of iot complex systems


R. Cárdenas, P. Arroba, J.M. Moya, J.L. Risco Martín

Journal Paper

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Publication date

July 2020

Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization tools are used in the development process of complex systems for improving their overall performance. However, enforcing full coverage in the validation process of these models may add unbearable simulation time overheads. In this research, we propose the implementation of multi-faceted sets of models with different degrees of complexity for optimizing IoT complex systems. With this approach, elements of the system are optimized using simpler and faster models that reduce simulation times, enabling the exploration of more scenarios in less time. Optimized components can be then validated extensively using more complex models, ensuring full coverage, and reducing potential failures. ©2020 Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS)