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A viscoplastic approach to the behaviour of fluidized geomaterials with application to fast landslides


M. Pastor, M. Martin Stickle, P. Dutto, P. Mira, J. A. Fernández Merodo, T. Blanc, S. Sancho and A. S. Benítez

Journal Paper

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Publication date

November 2013

This paper deals with modelling of landslide propagation. Its purpose is to present a methodology of analysis based on mathematical, constitutive and numerical modelling, which includes both well-established theories together with some improvements which are proposed herein. Concerning the mathematical model, it is based on Biot–Zienkiewicz equations, from where a depth-integrated model is developed. The main contribution here is to combine a depth-integrated description of the soil–pore fluid mixture together with a set of 1D models dealing with pore pressure evolution within the soil mass. In this way, pore pressure changes caused by vertical consolidation, changes of total stresses resulting from height variations and changes of basal surface permeability can be taken into account with more precision. Most of rheological models used in depth-integrated models are derived either heuristically (the case of Voellmy model, for instance), or from general 3D rheological models. Here, we will propose an alternative way, based on Perzyna’s viscoplasticity. The approach followed for numerical modelling is the SPH method, which we have enriched adding a 1D finite difference grid to each SPH node, in order to improve the description of pore water profiles in the avalanching soil. This paper intends to be a homage to Professor Felix Darve, who has very much contributed to the field of modern geomechanics.