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Quantum non-Markovianity: Characterization, quantification and detection

We present a comprehensive and up to date review on the concept of quantum non-Markovianity, a central theme in the theory of open quantum systems. We introduce the concept of quantum Markovian process as a generalization of the classical definition of Markovianity via the so-called divisibility property and relate this notion to the intuitive idea that links non-Markovianity with the persistence of memory effects.

On linear instability mechanisms in incompressible open cavity flow

A theoretical study of linear global instability of incompressible flow over a rectangular spanwise-periodic open cavity in an unconfined domain is presented. Comparisons with the limited number of results available in the literature are shown. Subsequently, the parameter space is scanned in a systematic manner, varying Reynolds number, incoming boundary-layer thickness and length-to-depth aspect ratio.