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Principal Investigator

José Manuel Moya Fernández

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Date start: 15/10/2015
Date end: 14/10/2018

Funded by European Comission - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

By establishing master study programme for education of future experts in the field of Digital Broadcasting and Broadband Technologies and equipping the laboratories, the project supports the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of the higher education field in the eligible Partner countries.
The curriculum created during the project will include training of qualified specialists in the process of digitising, maintaining digital systems, and the introduction of new technologies and services of digital broadband and broadcasting like: IP and wireless networks, creation of interactive multimedia applications on smart phones and tablets, performing Network modelling, static and dynamic information encoding etc.

The goal of the proposed project is implementation of the master study programme that would enable education of the specialists needed for the process of digitising, maintenance of the digital systems and introduction of new broadcast and broadband technologies in line with the needs of enterprises – potential employers. The study programme will be certified (accredited) by National certification bodies for Higher education. The project will cover establishing of the infrastructure (organisational, methodological and technical) for implementation of developed study programmes.

The proposed project is in line with Regional Priorities for Joint & Structural Projects (Erasmus+ KA2 – Capacity Building in Higher Education) for the Region 1 (Western Balkan) and is related to the„Improving quality of education and teaching“ and area „Engineering and engineering trades (Telecommunication technologies)“.