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Programa Propio 2024

CCS 2024. Calls.

As in the last edition, the research and development program “Programa Propio” in its fourth CCS edition, aims to promote Research, Development and Innovation of quality and excellence, through these two strategic calls for projects, grants and awards, helping the internal members to get financial aids.

Continuing with this aproach, the program applies mainly to these two main aids, published along their calls:

CCS 2024. Application forms.

CCS 2024. Accepted applications.

Research Stay.


  • Alberto Juan Sebastián Lombraña: research stay at the Quantum Information (QI) Group of the LIP6 laboratory of the Sorbonne University, Paris, France. The purpose of the stay is both his education as a student and the contribution to research in quantum communications and quantum communication infrastructures. In the first aspect, the stay is associated with the Doctorate in Software, Systems and Computing of the UPM, in which the student is enrolled in his third year. And, in the research aspect, the researcher is a member of the Group of Research in Information and Quantum Computing, in which he actively participates in a total of 8 national and European research projects.


  • Dan Cristian Gligor: research stay at the Von Karman Institute, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics Department, in Sint-Genesius-Rode, Belgium. Analysis of “sloshing” dynamics using data-driven decomposition techniques. The “Multiscale Proper Orthogonal Decomposition” will potentially be used.
  • Jaime Sáez de Buruaga Brouns: research stay at the Competence Unit Security & Communication Department of the Center for Digital Safety and Security at the Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria, under the supervision of Dr. Christoph Striecks. The work plan involves the development of a modification to the hybrid authenticated key exchange protocol Muckle+, enabling authentication through pre-shared keys, certificates, or both.
  • Rafael Juan Vicente García: research stay at the Computer Science Deparment of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Alemania. The objective of the collaboration is the orchestration of heterogeneous Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) networks for key management at edge nodes. This aims to identify the most appropriate criteria for controlling and managing these communications in heterogeneous networks and to present the findings in a publication; potentially, a demonstrator may also be developed.