Development of strategies for the parallel processing of numerical calculation codes on GPU graphics cards.
Development of strategies for the parallel processing of numerical calculation codes on GPU graphics cards.
Past Event
September 19, 2023
There will be, among other events, a welcome, institutional inauguration, presentations by groups and centers from all over the nation, shortened talks, poster presentations, managers’ meeting, networking cocktails, and during the industry day, talks with startups and established industries to end with a closing session this same day.
Development of strategies for parallel processing of numerical calculation codes on GPU graphics cards.
Past Event
March 16, 2023
Yesterday, the project for the national quantum communications plan was established, funded by PRTE funds, which will host a real, useful and functional quantum cybersecurity network. Its objectives are technologically viable, achievable today, and measurable.
The successful candidate will explore the application of quantum communications and computation techniques to algorithms for the quantum many body problem.
The work will primarily be part of the research project Mad-Q, a project recently awarded to Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.